Andrew Barker

Thoughts and Tools for successful (IT) projects

9 Ways to Start the 9AM Meeting On Time

13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew

Some very good ideas here for attendance guidelines...

5. Make It a Short Meeting – Most meetings are allocated too much time. Very few topics need an hour-long meeting. Instead, schedule it for 30 (or 15) minutes. It is easy to be 5 (or 10) minutes late to an hour-long event. People will be less likely to miss 10 minutes of a 15 minute meeting.

via 9 Ways to Start the 9AM Meeting On Time | Time Management Ninja.

How to Rock a Systems Design Interview

13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew

On its face this article is about how to interview for a development job. But as a BA, this offers nice guidelines for many projects I have worked on.

take ownership of open-ended problems, and it's our job to come up with the best solution to each. We need people we can trust to do the right thing without a lot of supervision — people who can own large projects and take them consistently in the right direction. Invariably, this means being able to communicate effectively with the people around you. Working on problems with huge scope isn't something you can do in a vacuum.

via Palantir Technologies » Blog Archive » How to Rock a Systems Design Interview.

Hey doc, another question

13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew


Give it to me straight, doc

13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew

«Just like medicine, if we don't approach things in a systematized way, and make sure we're incorporating all the different stakeholders, we're going to be in trouble. You can't just go out make a bunch of decisions on your own,» says Schumacher. IT pros must be able to shepherd users through business processes

via What IT Pros Can Learn From Doctors About Communic... - Input Output.

Project Management Software & Online Time Tracking & Expense Tool

13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew

proud to offer an entry-level, free web-based project management software package with Gantt charts, time tracking, calendars, document management, project tracking, expense and project cost tracking, and lots more, for free.

via Free Project Management Software & Online Time Tracking & Expense Tool.

Looks like a well rounded tool.

AceProject - Project Management Software

More can be found on their channel.

BA Articles collection at Requirements Management .net

13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew

Nice range of articles for the Business Analyst here -  Articles | Requirements Management

Requirements Management - Software Requirements Management UML, Business Analysis, BDD Tools, News and Resources

This one, The Dangers of Design by User, really hits home right now.

Stratergerize your Operations (A Strategic Weapon?)

13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew

This video is about 40 minutes long, but worth it I think. Makes the case for Operations as asset vs. cost.



13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew

If you are interested in IT management -- and web operations in particular -- you might have recently heard the term «DevOps» being tossed around. The #DevOps tag pops up regularly on Twitter. DevOps meetups and DevOpsDays conferences, are gaining steam.

DevOps is, in many ways, an umbrella concept that refers to anything that smooths out the interaction between development and operations. However, the ideas behind DevOps run much deeper than that...

via What is DevOps? - Blog - dev2ops - Solving Large Scale Web Operations and DevOps Problems.

Sheesh, this place got dusty

13 years and 1 month ago
By Drew

So I am rolling up my sleeves.

Posting useful articles and tools to be used mainly by Business System Analysts and Project Managers to commence shortly.

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